Local Color Design - Entertainment for Your Party or Special Event
Home Kat Walker Jazz Trio Caricatures - Our Specialty Face & Body Painting Hand Drawn Tattoos
Fortune Tellers & Tarot Readers Clowns, Mimes, Magicians, Jugglers & Balloon Twisters Other Musicians
Belly Dancers & Other Entertainers Mural Painting & Commissioned Art Studio Art References Booking
Murals & Commissioned Artwork
Fantasy painting
Theme painting
Monochromatic painting

What do you wish...?

From transforming a plain blue wall into a French Quarter busted brick fern growing textured wall, to painting your child's favorite cartoon characters, to creating a patina finish with copper, bronze or even gold and silver, Kat Walker's design, drawing and painting can bring your idea to life on your wall.

Other commissioned artwork can include screens, cutouts (plywood or foamboard), papier mache', canvases, painting on wood.

Since 1993 Kat has participated in the design and completion of many commissioned mural and display art projects including those for Ralph & Kacoos in the French Quarter, Harrah's Temporary Casino, The Hilton Corporation, Torrance Del Amo and Lakewood Shopping Centers, Panache Events' Elton John Concert in the Superdome, and many convention and private clients.

Please call for an appointment to discuss your ideas and view a more extensive portfolio.

Click on each image for a larger view

a scene from cinderella
A scene from Cinderella A scene from Cinderella A portion of a scene from Wind and the Willows painted on a screen
A scene from Wind and the Willows painted on a wall Plain blue wall transformed into French Quarter wall. Second Line in papier mache' bas relief in papier mache' painted with a metallic (Mardi Gras colors) fantasy patina finish
Life size sculpture of saxophone street performer in papier mache' Mardi Gras Jester head bas relief in papier mache' painted with a metalic (Mardi Gras colors) fantasy patina finish, 7 feet tall Fantasy cutout for a daycare center
  Fantasy cutouts for a daycare center  
Home Kat Walker Jazz Trio Caricatures - Our Specialty Face & Body Painting Hand Drawn Tattoos
Fortune Tellers & Tarot Readers Clowns, Mimes, Magicians, Jugglers & Balloon Twisters Other Musicians
Belly Dancers & Other Entertainers Mural Painting & Commissioned Art Studio Art References Booking
New Orleans, LA - Tel: 504-486-3191 - Fax: 504-342-2423 Email: Kat@LocalColorDesign.com

©2001 - 2005 Local Color Design. Site design and maintenance by Compulsive Creations.